People are moved by the Spirit in myriad ways. Those who choose religious life take a road less traveled. Our goal is to put a human face on this countercultural way of living. Along the way we will explore questions of faith, God's unique call to each of us, and the process of discerning a vocation.
Sister Mary Kay Kinberger, MSC, whose community suffered severely in the wake of Katrina and Rita, wrote a beautiful hope-filled letter to members and friends of the Marianites of the Holy Cross, at the beginning of the year, which included these spiritual questions worth pondering during pensive fall days:
What does it mean to allow Jesus to bring about spirituality in our hearts, a veritable incarnation similar to what was effected physically in Mary? If we say yes to his growth within us, we have to free our hearts and spirits to offer him our sacred space. If we say yes to his reign, our plans and agenda must decrease to allow his to increase. If we say yes to his revelation through us, we walk more with mystery and ambiguity and less with certainty.
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