
Seeing the Spirit at work in the world

People are moved by the Spirit in myriad ways. Those who choose religious life take a road less traveled. Our goal is to put a human face on this countercultural way of living. Along the way we will explore questions of faith, God's unique call to each of us, and the process of discerning a vocation.


Is it okay to pray for a sports victory--such as a Super Bowl championship? Nuns at the Carmel of the Resurrection Monastery
n Indianapolis, whose vocation is private prayer (www.praythenews.com), say yes. Sister Terese Boersig, an apparent Indianapolis Colts fan, said in an Associated Press interview, that it was okay for Colts Quaterback Peyton Manning to pray for a victory in last Sunday's game against the New Enlgland Patriots.

After the game, Manning expressed conscerned about his spiritual etiquette: "I said a little prayer on that last drive. I don't know if you're supposed to pray for stuff like that, but I said a little prayer."

Boersig said it was "abolutely" appropriate to pray for success, but she added,
''Now, what would not be appropriate is if you prayed that Tom Brady broke his leg.''

Hmmm... who and what will you be praying for come Super Bowl Sunday (Feb. 4)?


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